Alpine violet
Pretty flowers and fluffy sweets ฅ(•ㅅ•❀)ฅ

Aegis| Lavender Bed ward 22, Lily Hills Apartments room#10
A little corner for flowers, tea and sweets (o・x・o)

Our shop

At our humble store, you will find an abundant variety of flowers, as well as different types of services for your fancy <3 (hopefully this will give us a good review on Yelp owo);;;

¤Flower bundle¤
+A gift for your beloveds+
Why get just one flower when you can get aaalll of them .w.)9 We have many flowers available to customize your own bouquet <3
Each bouquet will include four flowers, and each additional flower will cost an additional 500 gil.

Simple and sweet 1: 4 000 gil, four tier 1 flowers of your choice.
I fancy you: 15 000 gil, four tier 2 flowers of your choice.

.w.)9 making good and bling bling use of our flowers yes yes.
From earrings to wristband to hairpins, we will do our best to make them as beautiful as possible for you <3

Just one bling bling: For 7 000 gil, you can pick either a set of earrings, one wristband, or one hairpin with the flower of your choice, regardless of the flower's tier .w.)+

I want more bling blings: Why get just one when you can get two .w.)9
For 15 000 gil, you can get two accessories with any flower of your choice <3

All the bling blings: One or two option simply isn't enough? We gotchu. For 30 000 gil, you can get three different accessories, or three of the same type for your fancy <3

Delivery service (No oopsie guaranteed)
We will find you, and we will bill you.
... Actually no we won't.
With an agreed place of delivery and time, your order will be safely taken to you~ Our shipping is free, and we will do our best to delivery your order as soon as possible .w.)7

Our menu

Snacks and drinks for your visit (´▽`) Everything is 1 000 gil each~

Cheese Souffle
Sacher torte
Rolanberry cheesecake
Almond cream croissant

Chamomile tea
Rooibos tea
Ishgardian tea
Pixieberry tea

( Made with Carrd )